Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Study Guides reformation!
Winter Break
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Monday Morning Meetings
- Monday to Friday- Getting Ready For Finals Next Week
- Tuesday November 30, 2010- AA still goes on from 3:15- 4:30 pm and the basketball team haves their first game.
- Wednesday- Mass at 8:30 am and Last Day For Clubs
- Thursday- AA still goes on from 3:15- 4:30 pm.
Monday to Friday we are all getting ready for our final exams. We have to study hard to get a good grade in our exams. Final Exams are next week the 15th, 16th, and 17th of December.
On Tuesday and Thursday students still have AA from 3:15- 4:30pm. Every student that is on the AA list have to show up to their assign class every Tuesday and Thursday. They go to AA to bring up their grades and to do all their work. AA has helped many students bring up their grades.
On Wednesday we have a mass at 8:30 a.m. to celebrate Our Lady Of Guadalupe Birthday. We have the last day for club Wednesday’s also. In this last Wednesday of clubs students enjoy going to club day to have fun with friends and teachers.
This information is important for OLT students and faculty to know what is going on weekly.
Friday, December 3, 2010
December Birthdays
There are 6 lucky ladies whose birthdays are around Christmas, and they are Claudia Jaramillow whose birthday is on December 1, Elisa Gonzalez whose birthday is on December 13, Cortney Hobbs whose birthday is on December 24, Yaritza Gracia whose birthday is on December 26, Cynthia Juarez whose birthday is on December 29, Finally, Jackeline Diaz whose birthday is on December 30. These are the six special birthdays that are coming up this month. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all 6 of you.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday Morning Meetings
- Tuesday November 30, 2010- AA still goes on from 3:15- 4:30 pm.
- Wednesday December 1, 2010- Students are allowed to wear their sweats, tuition is due and some students will be going to a field trip.
- Thursday December 2, 2010- NHS members have practice during A lunch and students have AA after school.
- Sunday December 5- Open House from 2-5 pm.
On Tuesday students still have AA from 3:15- 4:30pm. Every student that is on the AA list have to show up to their assign class every Tuesday and Thursday. They go to AA to bring up their grades and to do all their work.
On Wednesday all students are finally allowed to wear their sweats and no more skirts. The tuition is also due Dec 1st 2010 for all the students.
On Thursday NHS members have practice for their ceremony and AA goes on after school.
Sunday December 5, 2010 OLT High School haves Open House for all 7th and 8th grade students from other schools that are interested in coming to OLT for their high school years. Student Council gives the students and their parents a tour around the school and they explain about everything that goes on the OLT High School.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Our Lady of Tepeyac is hosting the annual Thanksgiving Feast. All the students and staff of OLT get together in the grade school cafeteria and celebrate with a feast contributed by all the students. The seniors and staff bring either turkey or ham, the juniors bring the mashed potatoes, corn, and stuffing. The sophomores bring bread rolls or desserts, and as tradition the freshies bring only 5 dollars, so the teachers can go out and buy napkins, plates, forks, etc. As a school, we all get together and enjoy not only the food, but what we are thankful for and being all together. Everybody always has a good time and goes home full.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Academic Assistance
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Black Light Night Dance at OLT
By Chante' J and Janette R
Monday, November 15, 2010
Birthdays in November
November is the time to celebrate birthdays around Thanksgiving. There are 5 lucky ladies whose Birthday are in November. These Special birthdays are Diana Montiel who is a Junior whose birthday is on November 10, Lara Fernandez who is Sophomore and her birthday is on November 17, Elizabeth Pelayo who is another Sophomore whose birthday is on November 18, Angelica Burgos who is a Senior whose birthday is on November 21, and Finally, Isabel Cervantes who is another Senior and whose birthday is on November 26. These five special birthdays are coming up this Thanksgiving month.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
OLT Black Light Night at Tepeyac
Are you going to OLT Black Light Night dance?
OLT’s Student Council host the dance for all the students and faculty at OLT. Students from other high schools are welcome to come and have fun with all of us. This should be a blast of fun with the enjoyment of laughter, for everyone. The dance is going to be this Friday November 12 , 2010. I.D. is required, High School, College, or , Military. It’s going to be from 7pm-11pm in the cafeteria on the first floor. Student Council host this dance to raise money for the school and school activities. Students and faculty decorate the cafeteria, have drinks and to have fun. You should come and have fun with us and your friends!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
To Kill a Mockingbird
The play was held downtown on the north side in Steppenwolf Theater. Before the school went to go see the play, they all read the book. “I thought the play was good and thought the actors did a really good job”, Junior Allison Viteri said. All the students were not only excited to get to leave school for awhile and skip 4 periods, but they were also excited to see the book be portrayed visually. All the students laughed, “awww”ed, and argued with the actors in the play. Some students like junior Sheirra Harris said, “It was good but very long.”Ms. Ingram said, “Very well acted and held the attention of the audience.” Overall the students and staff enjoyed their time and really enjoyed the play.
To Kill A Mockingbird Play
On November 2 , 2010 all the students and teachers from OLT went on a field trip to a theater to watch a play called To Kill A Mockingbird. Every student in the building read and saw the movie TKAM. There were students that didn’t like the book but they enjoyed the movie. Everybody in the school went to see the play. Everybody went so there could be a better understanding of the movie and the book. By watching the play we knew that we would understand more of the book and the movie. When the play ended the same people that acted or that were working there asked us questions about the play and our feelings that we had about the play and some parts of the play. Many students liked the play better than the book. We all gathered and went in different buses, as soon as we arrived there were people from the theater greeting all of us in a really polite manner. This was really important for everyone in the school because by watching the play everyone got a better explanation about the book, movie and play. Everyone liked the play and we had fun!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Halloween Custom Contest
On October 27, 2010 students and teachers at OLT had a Halloween custom contest. They had to dress up in customs, they had to be creative, scary, funny and even cute.There were Mickey Mouse, Minne Mouse, Angels, and Demons. OLT Costume Contest would have you screaming and running! This was a good idea to give the students and faculty an opportunity to show their spirit for Halloween. The teachers were judging the students on the most creative, funniest, scariest and the cuteist costume. This is a tradition that happens every year and it wouldn't be OLT if we didn't have it. It lets everybody express their creativity and have fun.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Movie Nigth at OLT
Screams, laughter, tears and jokes was what movie night was all about. Movie night was Wednesday October 20 , 2010 at 2:30 pm in the lunch room. This movie night was hosted by OLT’s Student Council. The price to attend was only one dollar and there were snacks to go around at a reasonable price. The movies shown were Paranormal Activity and The Orphanage. Student Council members came up with this great idea to help raise money for OLT’s homecoming dance, which is in November. Teachers, students and faculty all enjoyed this Movie Night and had a lot of fun with each other. This was very successful and really fun.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Junior Retreat
The juniors started off with one of their fist events of the year which was the junior retreat. This is a time when girls reevaluate their friendships and let out feeling that they have been holding inside for the past two years. Allison is a junior and wanted to share some of her feelings about the retreat. “I expected it to be all fun and games and I didn’t realize how emotional the retreat was going to get” Allison explained. “I can now understand where my classmates are coming from and I can now get an idea of what they’re going through. It defenitly united our class!”she exclaimed. The juniors started off their year in a great and positive way.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Fall Into Tepeyac!
Fall into Tepeyac was hosted last Friday, October 1st at the gym. All the students, staff, and teachers where involved. This is a tradition that Tepeyac does every year. This tradition gets all the students to show their Tepeyac spirit. All the classes compete against each other to see which class has the most spirit. This year, the classes had to compete against each other by playing flag football, the “Oh no you didn’t” fashion show, and a cheer for their class. Each class also had to represent their class with a banner that was shown at the end of the competition. The judges, which were Tepeyac staff, were the ones to decide which class had represented Tepeyac the best. Of-course the senior class showed the most Tepeyac spirit than the rest of the classes. But congratulations to everyone that was involved. Everyone tried their best.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Ask Emily A Question
Dear Emily, My boyfriend and I have been going through a lot of things. He has cheated on me and I also cheated on him. Our trust level has completely gone down. He always accuses me of being with some guy even when I’m with my females friends, and I always ask him who he is talking to and if it’s another girl or not. We both get frustrated with each other and it ends up with both of us being mad and in an argument. We have been together for almost a year now. I love him so much its hard to let go. We both know we love each other but sometimes it doesn't seem like its enough. Emily what do I do when it seems like love isn’t enough?
-signed, helpless OLT student
Dear Helpless OLT Student,
I understand what you are saying, but with no trust there is no relationship. Yes, you may love him greatly but since there is no trust your relationship will not grow, simple as that. It’s up to you and him to make it work, but you need to consider what is best for you, and not just the relationship.
-signed, Emily
Friday, September 24, 2010
Fall Into Tepeyac!
Seniors Choose Their Little Sisters
The senior class hosts this annual OLT tradition. Each senior class members draws once to pick one freshwomen and a few seniors might get to draw for a second little sister, depending on the size the freshwomen class. Seniors get to hang out in Room 204 for the first half of advisory to talk about what they plan to do during the actual event and to share further information. The seniors are extremely excited because they all want to know who they will get to dress up as babies. The actual Big Sister Little Sister event will occur on October 8 at the OLT Social Center.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The OLT JV Volleyball team had a game on September 13,2010 at 4:30pm. The OLT JV played against Ellsion High School at our Home Gym. This was there very first game and they did a terrific job.The team worked together, played hard, did their very best and put in a lot of effort. They felt as if they wanted to give up but they didn't and that's what made them win--their determination. The team also had a good mindset going to the game.They knew sportsmanship was important. They won with 2 out of 3, so therefore they didn't have to play the last game.
The OLT varsity Volleyball team had a game the same night at 5:30. Their opponent was the Ellison varsity team. Both OLT and Ellsion did a great job. OLT did their best, they worked hard, including helping one another, and applying their skills. They displayed great sportsmanship. Although they lost 2 out of 3, they didn't give up which showed just determination, just like the JV.
Read this column weekly for the latest OLT news about school-wide events: social, clubs, sports, talent show, etc.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Senior Boot Camp
Group 2
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
School Spirit Day
Our Lady of Tepeyac has been around for years. It’s a Catholic secondary school located in Little Village. Once a year we celebrate “spirit day”. It’s a time when the whole school comes together and shows off their class on how they’re the “best”! Each class dances and at the end the teachers pick the winners, everyone screams out “2011”,”2012”,etc.. We play games like volleyball,have competitions. We get to wear our school colors which are blue and white, and sometimes people design different things including paw prints which represents our mascot, the tigers. Banners are even made, and are hung in the cafeteria after. Its a fun day for all.
Who is really behind it all?
"The Senior scavenger hunt!!!"
On August 19, 2010 the “seniors class” went downtown Chicago to spend time together competing each other on a scavenger hunt that was held in millennium park. “The senior scavenger hunt” was a great experience that brought the seniors closer together the first day of school. Senior class and teachers where the ones involved in the scavenger hunt. “The teachers cheered for their groups to win and be on time.The seniors hunted for clues and objects to advance and finish the scavenger hunt and win a whole week out of uniform!!!! By the end of the scavenger hunt the senior class learned to communicate and trust each other. The seniors also learned when to be leaders and when to be followers. The scavenger hunt was a great experience for both the senior class and the teachers.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Yo Ziggy!
I can't focus at all! between life and school it's all piling up on me. I'm having issues with boys, I can't concentrate in school, I have papers up to my neck, I have other things to turn in, and on top of that I HAVE to pass my finals. I'm so lost right now, please help me!
Aiight Kidd,
First and foremost, leave those little boys alone because you can't solve the world's problems when you can't even solve your own. If they're giving you hell because of whatever reason, put that on the back burner and go back to it later. As for this school stuff,pick days and times to do these various subjects and work. But also do your study guides and memorize as much as possible. Also get somebody to quiz you.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Freshies' letters
Publications 4
Fresh Woman
A Letter To My Big Sister
Seniors left unfortunately.
They left a really loving and caring essence among the freshies.
I made a suggestion to the freshwomen about writing letters to their big sisters.
I told them it could be about anything: thanking them, advising them or anything that comes to mind, although they had to be polite.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Specially for Seniors, it is their last week of school and will start preparing
themselves for graduation and for COLLEGE.. Good Luck SENIORS..
But until then this week of May 17, 2010 beginning Wednesday are their final
exams, they studied and work really hard for their exams.
Sadly, the rest of the students will have to continue with their studies. This last
two weeks hard work will be given to us..
Keep it up, Freshies,Sophomores and Juniors!!
Fabi Pedro
May 20, 2010
Deca Graders
by:Rocio Cardenas
The Sophomore class went on a field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. The Sophomores went because they are currently learning about how species grow. They will see how humans grow from being inside the wound to when they are out of the wound. They will also go to the heart exhibit to see how the heart works. The Sophomores will be exploring the museum because they have access to almost everywhere. Have Fun!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Juniors' Journey
By: Jackie Herrera (:
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Pollo's Poetry Corner
in the middle of nowhere
everything i see is a scare
in a place full of strangers
running out of control not knowing the dangers
no where to hide
feeling alone deep inside
not knowing no one
in a place with no sun
the life of this place is doleful
heart of my of body numbful
somebody help me escape from the pain
the pulling strain
strugglin to keep from goin insane
no way out no matter where i go
will i make it out this place i dont know
only time show
Monday, May 17, 2010
Yo Ziggy!
I have a best friend (who just so happens to be a guy) and I met his girlfriend the other day. They were acting really lovey dovey and I'm jealous because I don't have anybody to do that with. My boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago but we're still cool with each other. I still like him and he still likes me but we juast aren't together.
-green envy
Ok, Green Envy,
First and foremost don't be jealous of anyone's boogie (RuPaul song. lol). He has a girlfriend and if he were your best friend you'd be happy for him. Just tell him that you're happy that he's happy. You just broke up with your boyfriend, give yourself time to breathe a little, if you can't, you could always get a kick. Im not sayin put yourself out there, you have to have limitations, but hey if you wanna cuddle, it's whatever rocks your boat.
Juniors' Journey
By: Jackie Herrera (:
Friday, May 14, 2010
by: Stefania Jimenez
This week the Anatomy class is preparing for dissection! This is excited because it is a fun way to learn, and a way we get to have fun too.
The class as a final activity gets to dissect pigs which would lets us understand the mayor organ systems of the fetal pig and prepare for the final exam which will include
An important section on parts of the pig that we really hope to learn with this activity.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Class of Ten
Last week for seniors! Thats right after a long time the seniors are ready to take another path. We have worked so hard for this and waited a long time. That its hard to believe that it is finally here. But everything seems to be rushing. Exams are next week and yet we still need to hand in some projects. Lets just hope that we still make time to study for the exams. It might seem like to much which it is, but after the exams we will be able to relax and enjoy the rest of the year. I whish all the seniors the best and good luck in their exams.
Deca Graders
by:Rocio Cardenas
During Spirit Week, all the grades were competing to raise the most money for the food Our Lady of Tepeyac pantry. The Sophomores won the competition. Altogether they raised over $100. Because the Sophomores won, they are going to have an out of uniform day. Good Job Sophomores!
Deca Graders
by:Rocio Cardenas
The Sophomores raised the most money for the parish and the food pantry. Because they won, they were able to have three of their best pitchers throw the ball to the water dunk. They each got 4 tries. Yvette, Bernice, Isela were the three sophomores who got the free throws. All missed except Yvette, but Thompson didn't fall in. She held on tight. Then she just jumped in. Thompson, Ochoa, Shelton, Gebel, Stephens, and several students went in the water dunk.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Yo Ziggy!
I have been having family issues and I really want things to get better, especially with my dad.
-poppa's girl
Poppa's girl
I had the same problem, in order to build a relationship, you have to talk it out. Take some time to let you guys breathe and clear the air. Then, after time has been taken, start again with talking to your dad.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
by:Stefania Jimenez
Spirit week started and all Tepeyac girls are showing their school spirit. This week tepeyac is getting together after morning classes to perform different types of fun activities! The week was started with a trip to Odyssey Fun World.
Students and even teachers were having so much with the games and attractions like the Ferris wheel, Roller Coaster, and Bumper cars, "This place is fun there are many cool attractions” said Elisa Guerrero. During spirit week there are going to be different themes starting with twin day and ending up having the annual walkathon. This year's spirit week seems like so much fun!
What's the Tea Tay?!
May 4, 2010
SPIRIT WEEK is here! Monday, May 3rd, was so much fun! OLT took a field trip to Odyssey Fun World in Tinley Park. Our event for yesterday was Twin Day and there was a lot of twins. We had a great time being together as a school, taking pictures, getting on different rides and playing fun games. We are looking forward for what the rest of the week holds.
Class of Ten
The senior anatomy class got to go to a deadly field trip. The class went to UIC to the Morgan to see dead bodies. The trip was for the seniors to see different parts of the body and to see what they look like. Since they are learning about the body parts in class it was a good field trip. It might of been scary at first but the anatomy class really enjoyed it and learn many things that day about the body.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Yo Ziggy!
I think I might have an eating disorder. I'm scared to actually tell anybody this but need help. I think I'm fat but I'm actually at a healthy weight. everyone says I'm not fat and I know it's true but I can't help but to starve myself, plus my family pressures me about obesity. I want to stop, please help me.
I understand where you're coming from. the best you can do is pray and tell that voice in your head to knock it off. it's all mental sweetheart, you have to believe and know that you are healthy because what you are doing is slowly killing yourself. Start eating again and eat healthy, also exercise to keep fit, if you're lazy, then it's time to gain some will power.
Deca Graders
by:Rocio Cardenas
Today, every class is out of uniform, except the sophomores. The Freshwomen and Seniors are out of uniform because it's Old Lady Tea. The Juniors are out of uniform because we won the out of uniform pass for the Easter Hunt. The Sophomores aren't a par of the Old Lady Tea nor won the out of uniform pass, so they have to wear their uniform. Sucks for them!
Deca Graders
by:Rocio Cardenas
The Sophomore class went on a college visit to Saint Francis in Joliet on Friday the 30th.
"I'm excited to go because it can give me an idea of what college is all about," said Yarizta Lopez. "I'm already thinking about college, even though I still have to years to go. It's never too early to prepare for college." Saint Francis isn't one of my choices, but I think it's a good thing that I'm going so I can know know more about it," exclaimed Yari.
Yari and other sophomores were excited about the college visit to Saint Francis. Many said because they won't be at school doing work, so teachers give them homework!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Pollo's Poetery Corner
By: Brandi Gates
The guns and bombs that are shot and exploded everywhere
Smoke and gases are in the air
The men and women that sacrifice their lives
working hard to protect themselves so they survive
Fighting so that we can live in peace
Determined that the war and disagreement would cease
War is one thing I never want to see
Sometimes that's what you have to do for your family
Maybe one day we'll live without war in happiness.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Juniors' Journey
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The benefit is approaching and students and teachers are excited to participate, Ms. Cesario gave a quick overview about things to be done during the benefit to raise money for the students.
Basically, raffles are held and the person who offers the most amount of money gets the prize. The money is then used for the benefit of the girls here in Tepeyac. Hoping a good turnout and the best news on monday!!
Freshies and Old Lady T.
Publications 4
Freshies Plan for Old Lady Tea
SENIORS GET READY! The time all freshies are waiting for is coming soon! Old Lady Tea is this Friday April 30, 2010. This is when freshies get to dress their big sisters as old ladies. It is very exciting for them, and it is pretty funny too. We can't wait to see those pictures... keep an eye out for the Tepeyac Teen Voice to see some of the pictures of this event that are coming soon.
Freshman and College visits
Many students tend not to realize how important college is because its so far away for them. This week is very busy, yet exciting. Freshmen get to go on a college visit to Loyola University this Thursday April 29, 2010.
Some girls are very excited about it, while others are not taking this opportunity as seriously as they should.
I wish I would've had the opportunity to visit a college in my freshman year. It would of made me think about my future and how important it is much sooner.
By: Yaritza Gracia
Yo Ziggy!
I've been with this guy for a short while now, but we haven't talked for awhile because I was on vacation, when I came back he said he needed time away from me, what does that even mean?
It could mean a lot of things, maybe he needs to figure out if his feelings are changing for you, or maybe he's cheating. Try to talk to him about it and if he doesn't want to, then all you can really do is give him time.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Pollo's Poetry Corner
U-unique ways of teaching education
R- responsibility of being in school
L- life we live with school rulez
A- amazing preparation for college
D- driving to improve our knowledge
Y- yearning to get noticed during class participation
O-over excited about our summer vacation
F- future handed to us with the help of the teachers
T- thinking and listening to diferent speakers
E- experiences of the different activities in classes
P- pacing through the hallways so we dont get detentions for not having our passes
E- everyday being a crazy day
Y- yelling and celebrating someones birthday
A- always after we granduate wanting to come back
C- classic dayz at tepeyac
By: Brandi Gates
Class of Ten
On April 17, 2010 the seniors had their big night out, Senior Prom! All the girls came looking their best with their dates. Everyone enjoyed each others company during dinner. When the time came to dance everyone hit the dance floor. All the girls and their dates showed what they got. Even the teachers who seem to have some moves of their own. The senior class says that prom was more then what they expected it to be.
Class of Ten
The class of 2010 is coming to its end.The girls have worked so hard since day one. They can hardly wait until graduation day. The girls have been waiting for that day for months now. We just hope we can still keep it together until that day. The seniors still have a couple more weeks to go. Lets just hope we keep working hard until the end.
Spirit Week
Annual Benefit
Freshman Requests
Publications 4
Freshman Requests
I have noticed that all Seniors, Juniors and even Sophomores have many privilages at OLT. Many freshies feel left out because of this, and they think that they should be allowed to have special events that are exclusively for freshman.
Honestly I agree with them. Since it is their first year here they should feel welcomed by the school, teachers, and fellow schoolmates. It is true, they are often left out in all school activities.
I remember that they won last semester on the logos for their class. Their victory proved that they are very talented and that they are willing to prove that to all
Freshman and Academics
Publications 4
Freshies and Academics
Many freshman argue that teachers put too much work on them. I decided to interview some students and teachers about their plan to prevent freshman from having academic assistance.
Andrea: "Well, I think we should all put more effort in homework and in how we prepare for test and quizzes."
Annonymous teacher: "I would be willing to work with students after school, if necessary, however students should be willing to stay and ask questions if they need help. We as teachers cannot read minds and guess they need assistance."
I think it is a good start. However if students nor teachers cooperate, the list of AA for freshman will definitely be longer. Although I think Academic Assistance is very helpful and could probably be encouraging for freshman, nevertheless, it is not so good for freshies to be in AA.
Science Fair
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
by:Rocio Cardenas
The annual Benefit is this Friday, April 23, 2010. The Benefit is our annual fundraiser. The school raises a lot of money! A few sophomores, Mariana Buzo, Yarizta Lopez, Esbeidy Martinez, and Yvette LaTorre are helping out with the Benefit. Each person has a job at a certain time. The schedule has to be followed. Everyone is stressing out, including the Sophomores. There's so much going on. At least they already have their outfits! This is their first time working the Benefit, so it's pretty overwhelming. Thursday and Friday are going to be long and stressful days, especially for Mrs. Thompson.
What's the Tea Tay?!
April 20,2010
SPIRIT WEEK IS NEAR!! The first week in May will be full of fun at Tepeyac! There will different activities going on here at the school. Monday will be TWIN DAY and we will be taking a field trip to Odyssey Fun World. Tuesday will be LAZY DAY and we will be having an OLT TELEMPICS and we will head down to he gym for some challenges and face offs between the different class, Seniors will win of course =). Wednesday will be SPORTS DAY and our activity will be a scavenger hunt and students will have a chance to dunk MS. OCHOA and MRS.THOMPSON in a pool of water, that should be fun. Thursday will be BLAST FROM THE PAST. Friday will be OLT'S ANNUAL WALK-A-THON we will be walking for TEPEYAC'S FOOD PANTRY. We will be raising money to get more food in the pantry. So that week will be fun, can't wait!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Yo Ziggy!
I can't take it anymore! My mom is totally irritating! ugh! I want to talk back to her but I'm not like that, give me guidance.
-Smart cookie
Smart cookie,
Your mom is probably going through something right now and doesn't know where to trigger her anger. Just do what she says and talk to her.
After almost two weeks of Spring Break, we have to be ready to continue with our studies no matter
how good or bad our vacations went. We have to enjoy our last weeks of school. So girls, work harder then ever.
Academic Assistance still goes on for the next couple of weeks, until Progress Reports day arrives, which will obviously tell students whether they have AA or not.
Since our last report card a fair amount of students were out of Academic Assistance and staff hope to continue that way.
Although staying after school for an hour and a half is absolutely no fun, it is a crucial time where we can get help and work on our weak subjects. AA time should be used wisely because it can really help us improve our grades.
can be.
The teachers are still working hard on each chapter and lesson. The junior chemistry class recently had a calorimetry lab and are excited to start their new chapter on acids and bases.
Another class working hard this week is Ms. Jamieson's
U.S History class. They recently took a chapter test based on annexation and independence of other countries like
Japan, Latin America, China, Guam and some other countries. Starting April 19, the class will cover World
War I and start on their stressful junior research papers. They hope to cover WWI within a few days so that they can get started on their papers
Monday, April 19, 2010
Yo Ziggy!
I've had a lot going on and I feel like everything is falling down. I seriously need help! I don't know what to do anymore.
All I can say is pray and meditate. I was going through something similar and prayer and meditation was the answer. If that doesn't work, talk to somebody or write in a journal.
- Ziggy
Juniors' Journey!
By: Jackie
Sunday, April 18, 2010
by:Stefania Jimenez
Tepeyac is getting ready for the annual benefit. This is a really important event that helps raise money for the girls who attend Tepeyac. Tepeyac staff is nervous, yet very excited to participate. When interviewed, Ernie Lausier spoke with excitement about hosting two parts of the program. He says, "I will be the "auctioneer" for the Fund a Student part, and the live auction" he said. Ernie is looking forward to a fun evening with guests and raising lots of money for our school.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Pollo's Poetry Corner
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What's the Tea Tay?!
April 14, 2010
Prom is Saturday and all of the seniors are very excited! The seniors has been talking about Prom since 2009. They have been scrambling at the last minute making sure they have everything so that they could look so wonderful for the night to remember. Also, Spirit Week is coming up in May. This is a week that the whole school has been waiting on. This is the week of fun, although we still have some classes, but we get through them so that we could get into the fun part. Included into this week are fun activities that student council has arranged for the whole school to participate in. This is the year for joy, fun and happiness. Let's celebrate 2010!!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
by: Rocio Cardenas
The walk-a-thon is coming up pretty soon! We need a design for the t-shirts. Many students designed their own t-shirt with the front and back design. Although many students had great ideas, there could only be one winner. The winner of the t-shirt contest was two Sophomores, Elisa Guerrero and Cristina Adams.
Class of Ten
So Prom is just right around the corner. All the seniors can't get their minds of it. It seems to be the talk of everyday. Everyone is talking about what their wearing, who their bring, and how they are going to arrive. Teachers can't even get the girls to concentrate. I guess its because its something you been waiting for a long time and the day has finally arrive. Just hope we can keep it together a couple more days.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Yo Ziggy!
I'm thinking about getting a tattoo, I don't know what to get yet. My mom said I'm too young to get one and to wait until after I graduate. (Im 15 by the way).
Well, 15 year old person,
you are too young, think about it, you get your tatt and next year you don't like it. you're stuck with that forever, dude. draw that tatoo on yourself everyday and see if you still like it. I did that and the tattoo that I wanted to get, I didn't want it anymore and I could remove it. :) so try that.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Juniors' Journey!
We thank you Seniors (: And the teachers because they helped prepare us for the test and hoped for the best!
By: Jackie <3
Monday, April 12, 2010
Deca Graders
by: Rocio Cardenas