Thursday, May 27, 2010

Yo Ziggy!

Yo Ziggy!
I can't focus at all! between life and school it's all piling up on me. I'm having issues with boys, I can't concentrate in school, I have papers up to my neck, I have other things to turn in, and on top of that I HAVE to pass my finals. I'm so lost right now, please help me!

Aiight Kidd,
First and foremost, leave those little boys alone because you can't solve the world's problems when you can't even solve your own. If they're giving you hell because of whatever reason, put that on the back burner and go back to it later. As for this school stuff,pick days and times to do these various subjects and work. But also do your study guides and memorize as much as possible. Also get somebody to quiz you.

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