Monday, April 26, 2010

Annual Benefit

This time of year is very important for the school. We host our annual benefit to raise money for financial aid. Around this time we usually don't bother Ms. Thompson because she is very busy preparing for that day. I spoke to Mery Alvarez a senior and she said, "I am very nervous because i need to read a speech about This I believe in front of about 300 people". But enjoys her time at the benefit. I enjoy the most is selling raffle tickets because it goes to financial aid which I have benefited from. Also nervous because of the choir. There is different things at the benefit like the life auction, silent auction, giving tree. and selling the raffle tickets. I also enjoy wrapping the centerpieces up and bagging them up. The workers are in charge of a station we also have to serve our guest and mingle with them. Our annual benefit took place on Friday April 23.

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