Monday, September 26, 2011

Big sister and Little sister

Celebrating big sister/little sister, it is an exciting tradition. It’s a time for fun, a time where two classes come together and have a celebration by having a little sister/big sister. It’s a chance for many to get to learn about each other. During this celebration the big sisters(seniors) get to dress their little sisters(freshies) as babies, games are played, food is given, and afterwards seniors are able to take them out. Asking some of the freshies how they feel about the event, many say their excited and some what anxious to finally find out who their big sisters are. Asking the seniors feel about it, they also want to know who they have for a little sister, and many are excited to take their sisters out and getting to dress them up. Many of the seniors want their little sisters know that they can help them or be there for anything that they need. So on September 23rd the seniors will get to finally find out who their little sisters are. And on October 7th will be the actually celebration. Hope the seniors and freshmen enjoy the celebration.

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