Monday, April 4, 2011

ACT test is coming up!

The juniors are going to need a lot of brainpower. The juniors are going to take the ACT test soon. The girls have taken the ACT class to improve their test taking skills, now they have to put those skills to the test. They have also practiced for the ACT during advisory and chemistry class. The juniors have been getting a lot of help preparing for the ACT. The juniors have signed up to take the ACT at various high schools such as: Maria high school, Gordon Tech high school, and Hales high school. The ACT will take place April 9, 2011 at 9 am until 12 pm. The test is four hours long it includes Writing, English, Math, Reading, and Science. Students should get a good night sleep and eat breakfast. The ACT is very important because colleges look at what the junior’s scores were. The girls are nervous about the test but they are going to do their best.

By: Mariana Diaz
Team 3

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