Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yo Ziggy!

Yo Ziggy!
I met this guy on Saturday, we're officially a couple now. Do you think things are going too fast?

Yes, I think you guys are going way too fast, You met the guy three days ago and you guys are a couple. Personally I think you guys should have been friends first and got to know each other a little more before you decide that a relationship is what you want. Get to know him more before you guys go any further and also take it slow.

1 comment:

  1. How is everything with the new beau going Cortney? I personally feel that if it feels right to be in a relationship, there is nothing wrong with that. As long as you guys pace yourselves with everything else in the relationship and don't push yourselves past your comfort level I think its all good. Don't worry so much if "others" don't approve of how long you've known each other.
