Tuesday, March 30, 2010

S and J's weekly review

The Wonderful World of OLT Clubs

Get Creative

By: Stefania Jimenez

The art club is also a wonderful option for any OLT students looking to express their creativity and simultaneously help the school. Juniors and seniors alike are being part of this club which focus on the benefit and christmas ournaments, students really enjoy being part of the club "It's cool and fun specially because we get to spend time with friends and work on stuff to help our school"said Raquel Luna.

The club meets on tuesday and thursday's so go and find out more information!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Pollo's Poetry Corner

The Echo of Sound

the echo of words,
the echo of birds,
the echo of rhythm,
the echo of a gism,
the echo of flowers in bloom,
makes me further assume,
the blossoming to be quite unique,
as anything in development is a treat,
to see, because development is a key character of life.

Written by Omarr Lee

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What's the Tea Tay?!

La'Tashia McPhee

The science fair is near! Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors will be participating in this school event. The last Science Fair was held 10 years ago, but Tepeyac finally decided to bring it back. The students are preparing themselves to present their experiments in front of several judges, all hoping to win. The classes of 2010, 2011 and 2012 are all scrambling and trying to add last minute touches to their projects to make them shine. I wish everyone the best of luck! And I hope everyone shows up so that they can pass their science classes! Lets go Tepeyac!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Yo Ziggy!

Yo Ziggy!
Ok, so my family and I have a tight bond and my cousin just got a new boyfriend. The young women in my family are extremely close, and we feel like he is messing that up for us because she's currently so wrapped up in him. I want my cousin back. We realize her boyfriend is not a bad guy, but we miss her.

Dear Anonymous,
I say talk to your cousin and her boyfriend, get to know him and try inviting him over to family gatherings. Of course your cousin will be with all lovey dovey with her beau, but just let her know how you feel and ask her to tone it down. If you and your family get to know him, you'll get to see why your cousin likes him so much!

Monday, March 22, 2010

by La'Tashia McPhee

Students here at OLT all probably want to know, what is going on this summer!? Well, my favorite summer event is THE TASTE OF CHICAGO. All of the best restaurants in the Chicagoland area come out and bring samples from their restaurants. The Taste of Chicago is amazing because they have such a huge variety of foods including BBQ, Chinese food, American food, Mexican food, Indian food, you name it. People come from all over the globe to participate in this huge event. There are also different concerts and activities going on while people are indulging their palettes. Thousands, or maybe even millions of people show up every year to join in this event. If YOU want to participate in this extravaganza this event will be held at Millienium Park this summer.

Deca Graders

Sleepover Experience

by: Rocio Cardenas

The Sophomore Sleepover was on March 19th. Most of them stayed up all night. Many girls were a bit scared to fall asleep because of the imminent threat that their peers would squirt tooth paste all over their faces if they fell asleep. They had pizza for dinner, they sang and danced, and watched movies. Several teachers even participated in all of the activities. Overall, the sophomores had a great time, including the teachers that attended.

Beyonce and Lady Gaga edition

OLT recently had two guest nurses and our parish nurse, Donna Oborski, come in and speak to all of the seniors, juniors, and sophomores. They spoke to us about the difference between bacteria and viruses. They explained how they affect our daily lives. Priscilla A said, "I liked that they came to speak to us about how we can stay clean". Lathashia M explained, " It was interesting and I thought many people could get some ideas about how to stay clean at all times in our daily lives." The nurses gave us a little hand sanitizer to carry around with us at all times, and use when needed. They also gave us a brochure to take home to our parents to give then information on the difference between bacteria and viruses. We spoke about some of the causes why we get sick and the germs we have. This session was very informational and helpful for all of us.
La'Tashia McPhee
Spring Break
Closer and Closer that the school year has ended! April 1st through April 12th is OLT's Spring Break. We are so excited to just kick back and relax during our time out of school. Spring Break is also known, in the Catholic Religion, as the celebration of Easter. Spring Break will give us time to relax and get ourselves together before coming back to finish off 4th quarter. We all need a VACATION!!! Let's get it started!

s and J's TI addition

Senior Prom
La'Tashia McPhee
LETS GO SENIORS! What a night to remember! Senior prom is coming up in 26 days, how exciting! Majority of the seniors have their prom dresses and dates ready to go. This is a night that all high school students dream of. A night to remember. As for the seniors here at Tepeyac, our theme is "A walk through Wonderland". This is going to be a magical night. This night will forever be remembered and every senior that's going is very anxious about this night. Seniors are hoping for one of the best nights of their lives. April 17, 2010, "A walk through Wonderland".

Cartoon of the Week!

Quarter exams are done with and the stress may still be kicking in. Don't over whelmed yourself and just make time for yourself to relax. ;)

Class of Ten

By: Erica Reyes
The end is now approaching for the class of 20-10. Which means that prom is right around the corner. Everyone has been talking about what they are going to wear, who are they going to bring and most important what will they arrive on. "Senior prom is something you look forward your four years while your in high school" says Maggie Gonzales who can't wait. She says that it's your last year in high school you work so hard to get where you are might as well make the best out of your prom. Which by the way prom is that week we come back from spring break, April 17. So get ready seniors to party.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Valentines Dance

Well as we all know that the High School always has their annual Valentines dance. This dance took place on the 19th of February. This new rapper called Big Il performed at the school dance. We also had some sctivities going on that night. Some of those were the teachers had a dance compitition. They also had the best dress and the winner for the best dress was the President of the student council name Val Sierra. Student Council also had two raffles and the two raffles were two tickets for the auto show, and a basket full of goodies. Sam Avalos won the auto show tickets and Ms.Stephens won the basket full of goodies. Shanyce Harell stated, the dance was fun many people enjoyed themselves either talking or dancing. Student Council were selling chips, water, soda, candy, and some cute little teddy bears. Val Sierra explained, that they had a great turnout but could have expected more people. Both teachers and students had lots of fun. We thank the National Honors Society and Student Council for sponsering the valentines dance.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Deca Graders

Sophomores Help at Junior Ring Ceremony
by:Rocio Cardenas
The Jr. NHS members helped out at the Junior Ring Ceremony. This event took place at the church on Thursday March 3, 2010. The Sophomores helped seat the parents and other guests. They made sure that parents and guests don't bring in balloons for their daughter. The Sophomores were there so things can go accordingly. This gave them an idea how the Ring Ceremony is. The Junior Ring Ceremony is when the Juniors are awarded for their hard work and their dedication to their education.
After the Ring Ceremony, a reception took place at the lunchroom. The Jr. NHS members provided coffee, soda, and cookies to the Juniors and guest.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cartoon of the Day!

Dedicated to Kassie Hernandez, a superhero fanatic.
<3 Cilla

Juniors' Journey!

The Junior Ring Dance was fun! I got the teachers and the Juniors to dance! We had he D.J play some of our favorite songs, that is how they all got up to dance! We took many pictures and we showed off our beauty! Everyone looked beautiful. We all had fun dancing and watching the teachers dance. They made us laugh! :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Class of Ten

Wild Weekend
By: Erica Reyes

It was a wild weekend for the class of 2010. The seniors were required to attend their Kairos retreat At first, many seniors were very close minded before the retreat but after wards were full of hugs and kisses and ended up really liking the retreat says Maggie Gonzales who had a blast. She says their where many activities for them to do and that she even forgot all about her phone and texting. The food was the best part they say. Aimmy Garcia says that they where fed all sort of things. Which she says it was really good. The seniors really enjoyed themselfs and were happy that they all got to experience this retreat together.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pollo's Poetry Corner

“Love’s Deceit”

Pleasure turns to the pain of lessons learned from the strain of the questions burned in my brain about whether love is humane in its touch
These thoughts are like salmon swimming upstream in the tears of your deceit
Fighting a current hurt that kills more than is created by the chaos of our intertwined emotions
Chaotic because the anchor of Eros’ arrow has been plucked from the vessel of my undying infatuation
Separation not as simple as the distance between us
My mind no longer possessed by the demons that had been the overseers of my enslavement to your lies
The seeds of these lies rooted so deeply they’ve cracked the foundation of what we once shared
Allowing the faith in us I had sealed inside to gush out like a river
Ripping the image of our future together from my thoughts as violently and as brutally as if it were a child being taken from its mothers arms
I’m left surrounded in darkness but I refuse to be swallowed by it
My loneliness like night air; invisible to the eye obvious to the touch, in its cold uncomfortable ness
Yet If I could do all over again I’d do it in the same skin I’m in
To lay down and let love die, just stay down and let love lie
No, no, no, no, not I
I’ll stay around and let love fly
Even though I’ve seen its darkest form; deceit
Nothing else could tastes this warm or feel this sweet

by Big Rube
Published by: Brandi

The Wonderful World of OLT Clubs

Tepeyac Spirit

by:Stefania Jimenez

If you are looking to help bring awesome new things to Tepeyac, then student council might be the perfect choice for you! You might be asking yourself what student council is all about? Well look no further! Student Council is an organization that represents the student body and organizes student events. Student Council is run by Ms. Cesario, who when interviewed, talked with much excitement about how she became the head, and now heart and soul, of Student Council. She said, "When I started here at Tepeyac five years ago, students asked me if I wanted to be in charge of student council. One of the biggest things girls wanted at Tepeyac was Spirit week, so Student Council made it happen!" In addition to organizing Spirit Week, student council is in charge of organizing school events such as school dances, Fall into Tepeyac, ordering sweats, the door decorating contest, fund raisers for charities, and any other activities students are interested in. Ms. Cesario expects members to be responsible and ready for action! Student Council meets twice a month around lunchtime, so if you are interested in joining, come and join the fun!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Juniors' Journey!

This is What will happen on our Party! And yes I will be center of attention :D
By: Jackie Herrera

Juniors' Journey!

The juniors have a special week this week! As many of you have heard our Junior ring ceremony is on Thursday the 4th of March! On Friday, we will have our Ring Dance! I asked Ariel what she thinks about the events coming up. She said " I am excited yo! hahaha It is a big opportunity for us to finally realize we're in the transition of becoming seniors! Wake up ladies!! " She sounded very excited because we see that our high school years are almost over and we need to enjoy the time we have here together. I also asked Mireya O. and she said " I am enthusiastic about receiving a high school ring. I am also awaiting the Junior ring dance to celebrate the fact that we are moving up in life and we get to share these special moments together". I think that we are all, so excited and we are looking forward to dancing the night away!

By: Jackie Herrera